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Curt Flood

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This page is full of fun stories about encounters with Yankees, mine and others. They're mostly Chuck stories, but there are some others, too. Read on...

Chuck, Me, & BL.c...
excerpt from e-mail:

Okay, way back in November 1998, I start writing to Chuck on a regular basis, asking him about all kinds of stuff. First contact-- day before Thanksgiving. (same day Bernie signed... I was one thankful person that holiday...) I'd answered a trivia question, except it wasn't about baseball, it was "What is Pentasafe?" I looked Pentasafe up, it's some strange corporation, and e-mailed the response to him. He posted, "congrats to winners, you will be recieving T-shirts" and somebody from Pentasafe e-mailed me to ask for my snail mail address. I got the T-shirt, and was thankful but unsurprised... until I saw that he'd signed it!! He could have easily sent it out the way it was, instead of bothering to autograph it, but he did. From then on, I was hooked.

A couple of days before Christmas, I get two e-mails in my mailbox. The first one is in response to an e-mail by me somewhere along the lines of "You haven't updated your page recently-- everything ok?" His response was probably two sentences long, something like "I'm fine, thanks for your concern, I've been in NYC apartment shopping, keep e-mailing!" The second one was even shorter: "Send questions please!!!!!!!!!!" That was in response to an e-mail when I offered to send him some trivia questions about Yankee history. He also posted on his home page, "Send me the questions, Britt!" So, I did-- I sent a lot, but he only ever posted one.

For those of you don't know, I was the first one Chuck ever wished happy birthday to. (Okay, I'm excessively proud of that, but still, isn't it kind of cool?) My birthday's January 23rd; at the beginning of January, I started putting in the "Age:" spot, "16 (until Jan. 23rd!)" or "16(for 3 weeks more!)" So, on January 15th or so, he puts up "Happy Birthday Britt!" on his homepage. And, cooler still, in his journal entry he also wrote "Happy Birthday Britt!!!!!!!!!!!" So, if I or you or anyone wants to see it, it's there in his journal for easy access. It gives kind of a warm fuzzy feeling, and I pull it up every once in a while.

My mother makes awesome, themed cakes. On my birthday, she made me a gorgeous one of Yankee Stadium. I wrote Chuck and told him all about it, and he posted "Hey, where's my piece?" So I wrote back, and said, "My mom will make you one, if you really want." And he writes, "Oatmeal raisin cookies!!!" on the bottom of the homepage. So I write to him, "You're making a mistake, my mom's cakes are awesome." And he answers, "Okay, cake then." I say I'll bring it to him for his birthday.

In May[1999], I get an e-mail from Chris Dahl, the guy in charge of "Britt," it says, "ESPN is doing a special on baseball players and their homepages. They want a fan's perspective, and Chuck suggested you. Are you interested?" Well, I said, "hell yeah" (maybe not in those words), and I spoke to Melissa Stark of ESPN and she came with a camera crew to interview me. The bit aired in late May (it was only a few minutes long). And I have it on videotape.

Around his birthday in July he didn't post much, and right after that I went on vacation for a month, so I never brought him the cake.

Feeling nostalgic on Monday [October '99], I e-mail him, "Hey, Chuck, if I get my mom to make you a cake or oatmeal raisin cookies, willya talk to me on your homepage again?" And, go figure, have you seen what's on the bottom of his homepage now? Is the way to a guy's heart through his stomach, or what? ;-)

[note: I don't remember exactly what he posted... something along the lines of "mmmm... cake"]
Yankee Parade 1999
After getting up before six, using various modes of transportation to arrive at the parade at nine, and spending 3+ hours being rather bored standing up 3 rows back from the barricade, I was paid-back bigtime.

The parade itself was cool... I waved at everyone, and in the crush of people, actually ended up in the front row (not exactly sure how, but hey, I'm not complaining!)... The bullpen float got stopped right near us for a long time and I waved at Ramiro Mendoza and he waved back...

But here's the awesome part:
My sign said:
Hey Chuck
Oatmeal Raisin Cookies!!!
CB'ers are the best --Britt

So, I'm all worried that he's not going to be on my side at all and I'll have no chance, but luckily he was. I wave my sign at him. He's looking around, then he looks at my sign, squints to read it (some of the words were fairly small), then nudges Jeter with his elbow, points to it, and they both laugh. I'm waving at him hard enough for my arm to fall off. He looks at me again, waves back, makes clear eye contact, and shouts, (I couldn't hear him, but I could tell clearly what he was mouthing) "Hi, Britt! Hi, Britt!" He smiles at me, and I'm yelling, "Chuck!" and waving as hard as I can. He gives me this great smile, and the float moves out of my view.


Spring Training 2000
We arrived in Orlando Friday night, stayed in a hotel there, and drove down to Bradenton (spring training home of the Pirates) the next morning. It was a nice little park, very minor-leaguey. Due to the fact that we weren't sure exactly how to get there, however, we got lost and missed most of the Yankees batting practice. As they left the field, I saw where they were heading for the clubhouse, and headed over there. There was a fence about 6 feet from the clubhouse door, which I leaned over, calling for the players who walked by (when I could figure out who they were-- there are SO many minor leaguers there!). I got autographs from Jeff Juden, Chris Chambliss, and a few others, and took pictures of the players who walked by.

Then I went up to my seat to watch the game, a 12-4 loss. The kid who started it got knocked around, as did many of the other pitchers. When the game ended, I ran back over next to the clubhouse. A couple guys were signing before they went in; a couple more signed on their way to the bus. (Oh, by the way, when I say "a couple guys" I mean "a couple of minor-leaguers I've barely heard of." I'll be explicit when it's someone big.)

.As I walked back into the stadium to join my family, who should we see walking across the field but John Sterling and Michael Kay. No one else was around, so my family and I walked down and asked for autographs. As they signed, Mike asked where we were from. "New Jersey," I said, and added, "I'm with that group from that ran into you at that restaraunt last month." It took a moment for it to register, and then he said, "Oh" and described the place to John briefly, who nodded. "How long are you here?" one of them asked, and we said we'd be there until Monday. "See you tomorrow, then," Mike said with a smile, as they finished signing and walked off.

We drove to the Radisson (getting lost again), and as we pulled up, we saw someone who looked an awful lot like Yogi in the lobby. By the time we parked and went in, he was gone, though. We went into our room (1st floor, so no excuses to run into Yankees on the elevator), put down our stuff, took a swim, went to the hotel restaraunt for dinner, and watched "City Slickers" on TV before bed.

Next morning, we got up a little later than we planned, had breakfast, and headed over to beautiful Legends Field. Nearly all the Yankees were practicing on a field next to the stadium, surrounded by a simple fence and with bleachers on either side. For all the world, it felt like watching your highschool baseball team play. It was sunny and pleasant, and the players all looked like they were having fun. My sister and I stationed ourselves against the fence right by first base. Tino, Nick Johnson, and Don Mattingly were all standing there. Tino and Nick would take turns playing first, while the other stood back and talked to Mattingly.

After their first round taking batting practice, each hitter was supposed to take a practice run around the bases. Everyone took it very haphazardly, though. They would roughly take off at the crack of the bat, jog to the next base, stop and chat with whoever was playing in the area, look around and decide to head for third, etc. Since the balls were typically hit in very different places, there was rarely a throw to beat. But when a ball just happened to appear near the base as a runner came, that was when it got funny. When Jeter was heading into second, he saw a ball coming in from the infield and sprinted to the base, putting his arms out in the safe signal and grinning. Tim Raines went for third and, seeing Brosius with a ball, ran to the side of the base and out of the baseline to dodge "the tag", with Brosius chasing him goodnaturedly. Everyone seemed to be having fun.

For some reason, Mike Stanton was playing the infield in practice. Don't ask me why, but he was at either 2nd or 1st for 80% of the time. He was a pretty decent fielder, but there was, ummm, one incident. Stanton was at second, Tino was at first, and they were trying to turn a 3-4-3 double play. So Tino scooped the ball up at first and fired it to Stanton. He stepped on the bag and launched it back. Only, it went about 4 feet out of Tino's reach. He lunged for it, but couldn't grab it. It sailed towards the fence where my sister and I were standing, and Tino whirled around to face us. He had a worried look on his face, and shouted "Look out!" The ball hit the fence where my sister's face had been a moment before. Tino said, "Sorry" (even though it was Stanton's fault!) and tossed the ball over the fence, but some others caught it.

Once they went inside, we went inside too. (I tried to get an autograph from Jeter or Leyritz, who were signing, but neither of them got to me. But how could I feel upset? Both had just signed for dozens and dozens of people!) I went down by the bullpen and watched Roger warm up. Then the game started. It wasn't as bad as the day before, though; no one was hitting, but beyond Roger there was a lot of good pitching. When the game ended I tried to get Tino's autograph, but once again, I was too far down the line and he had to stop before he got to me.

We went outside to try to find out where the players left from, and who should we run into but Sterling and Kay again? "We keep running into you," I said, and Mike recognized me. "Yeah," he said. "But it's too bad they keep losing. Maybe you're a curse!" "It's okay," I said, "it's just spring training." "That's a good attitude to have," he said, and was then mobbed by a group of others who recognized him, so I left.

I went over to the practice field, where Bernie and a trainer were doing some sort of exercise for a very, very long time. When he was done, though, Bernie came over to sign. One problem-- between him and me was an 8 foot-tall fence, and I had a program to sign, not a ball or card which could be slid through the fence. Solution-- climb up the fence and hang over the top! When Bernie got to me, I handed him my program and pen. But three papers inside the program which had been provided-- the Yankee roster, the Astro roster, and a little poster of Posada-- fell out onto the ground. "Umm, can you pick those up for me?" I asked, and he did, whereupon I apologized profusely. "Don't worry about it," he said, beginning to sign. "I'm going to get your CD, Bernie, the one you play guitar on," I said excitedly "I hear you're really good." "Thanks," he said, handing the program back. "Thanks, Bernie," I said as he moved on. "No problem," he said, and I extricated myself from the fence and it was time to go.

We got back to the hotel, and went back to our room. My dad had gone down to get some ice, and came into the room with a big smile on his face. "Don Mattingly's in the lobby," he said. My sister leapt up and followed him down to the lobby, and I followed a little behind, having been in the middle of something. The first thing I heard was Mattingly saying, "He's a freshman, too." (I was told that the conversation began with my sister telling Donnie that he'd been her favorite player since she was six, and him asking how old she was. She said 15, and a freshman in high school, and he told her about his son.) "This is my sister," she said when I walked over, and I shook his hand. "It's great to see you back with the Yankees," I said, and he said, "Thank you." Then we decided to stop bothering him, so we went back to our room.

Monday morning, we got packed and checked out, heading to Chain of Lakes Park where the Indians play. The Yanks were once again taking batting practice, and I watched for a while. When they were done, Chuck came over to sign autographs. I ran over and squeezed my way in. When it was my turn, I handed him my program. As he began to sign it, I said, "Hey, Chuck, it's Britt." He paused, looked up at me, and said, "Hey, Britt, how are you doing?" "I'm good," I said, with a huge smile. "I've been trying to get your attention for 3 days!" "How long have you been down here?" he asked, signing stuff for others now but still talking to me. "Since Friday night," I said. "When are you leaving?" he asked. "I have to go home tonight, unfortunately," I said, pouting. "Oh, that's too bad," he said. He was still in this little area, so I kept talking. "A lot of people told me to bug you about updating your page," I said. He finished signing what he was signing, and looked up at me. "I can't," he said. "I don't know, it's all messed up. Tell them that." "Can't you even update it, though?" I asked. "I can't even get to it," he said. "I can view it, like you can, but that's it." "Okay," I said. "Tell them that," he said. "I will," I told him.

At this point, I felt I was kind of monopolizing him, and tried to back away. But everyone was pushing in to try to get him to sign stuff, and I was literally pinned to the wall. So I kept talking. "A few of us got tickets to the game on your birthday," I said. "Oh, really?" he asked. "Yeah," I said. "It's the Subway Series, though, so the tickets cost about a million dollars." He smiled. "That's cool. You're coming, then?" "We're most definitely coming," I said. "We'll be there."

"So when's the first game you're coming to this season?" he asked after a moment. "I don't know," I said. "Probably the first series. Not the first game, but the first series." "That's cool," he said, nodding, then addressed the group, "I can only do a couple more." "Well, I guess I should go," I said. "Okay," he said. "It was good talking to you, Britt." "Yeah," I said, with a big smile on my face. "Later."

After a little bit, I headed over to the foodcourt to buy something to eat, when who should I see but Bob Feller. (No, I didn't recognize him on sight, but he was signing things and I saw his signature.) There was a long, long line waiting to get him to sign stuff, and you had to pay for it, but I'm not the kind of person who likes paying for autographs. So, instead, I waited next to where he was sitting. When there was a pause, I asked timidly, "May I shake your hand, Mr. Feller?" He looked at me rather sternly. "Are you on line?" "Noooo," I said, feeling a little guilty and looking a little scared. "Aww, what the heck?" he said, grabbing my hand with a big grin and shaking it heartily. "It's an honor to meet you, sir," I said, and he smiled. "Run off and get yourself a hotdog, now," he said. "And bring me one with mustard!" "Okay," I said, laughing, not really intending to but wanting to play along. "You don't really have to do that," he said, calling after me, and I turned around and nodded. "Save your money for something else." "Okay, Mr. Feller," I said, smiling, and he turned back to the line of people.

I went over near the Yankee bullpen, where the players were warming up, and got a couple signatures, including one from Jeff Nelson(who is really tall!). Then I watched Cone warm up, from about 4 feet away, which was a lot of fun. I went back to my seat, watched the game (another blowout loss, which-- as much as I tried not to care-- was getting a little depressing), and dashed over the high fence outside the clubhouse. There was also a dark mesh over the fence, so it was harder, though not impossible, to see through. A couple players, including Jeter, Knoblauch, and Posada, signed where I couldn't get to them. I saw Tim Raines, but didn't have anything to sign with me, so I just told him, "It's great to see you with the Yanks again." "Thanks," he said. "Good luck this year!" I said. "Thank you," he said.

Then they were all in the buses, and pulling out, so we headed for our car. But the traffic was really tough, and we weren't going to get anywhere. Neither were they; they were stopped along the road out of the park. So my sister and I ran over to the two buses. The windows were tinted, so it was hard to see in, but we walked down one side slowly, waving at the people on it. Mel Stottlemyre, Don Mattingly, Ricky Ledee, and Chuck Knoblauch (who looked as if he recognized me, but I'm not sure) waved back to us. We went to the other side, where the glare of the sun made it harder to tell who was who inside the bus. Someone who looked older than player-aged, and someone who we thought was Tim Raines waved back. Then we drove to the airport, and flew home, not getting in until 2:30.
A Story Better Than Mine: Chuck and YD, 1999
Click here for story w/pictures

in her own words: May 1, Game 2 of a 4 game series against the Royals in KC, Chuck was being interviewed by MSG's Al (luv da guy). Anyway, while CK was waiting, there were about 75 people behind the visitors (Yank's dugout) hoping CK would give autos. Some MORON starts heckling Chuck... I tell the guy to shut up. Chuck does the same..then smiles @ moi!

Anyway I yell out.. "Hey Chuck, bigleaguers.comers LUV YOU!!!" He smiles! I say, "Check your email!" He says "What's your name", I tell him, he smiles...Then, I ask him if he'd sign my ball, he says "hold on"...then I say, "hey, if I bring the hat that I won off your website, will ya sign it tomorrow?" He said "sure". Anyway, after Al is done, FOX guys grab him, so CK is REALLY late, so just leaves without signing.

Oh well, the next day (May 2nd Game 3) I bring my hat...TOTALLY EXCITED..but CK was having a bad day I guess, he TOTALLY ignores me!! I was SO sad...

Then May 3, game 4, it's Monday, I'm standing behind the yanks dugout during BP.
Chuck is coming towards the dugout..I say "Hey Chuck, will you smile for a pic?"
(Thinking YEAH RIGHT, oh and I didn't bring my hat either, I was so sad from the day before..)
Anyway, HE STOPS!!
I take a pic...

Then he says "Hey, How you doing?" Then I tell him bout how sad I was 'cause I brought my hat and he just ignored me. He said he really didn't see me... oh well, he stands there a bit and chats...then says "Have fun" and leaves...

Then he COMES BACK... (I'm SO ABOUT TO FAINT) and says "Hey, you know ESPN, was doing a thing about me surfing the net, so I read your e-mail to them, so you might wanna watch for it", ok YEAH I'm ABOUT TO DIE, anyway he asks my bro (who's there besides me) his name, etc, and talks to us about NY, etc.

Oh, I ask him if he comes to the [] forum, he smiled, looked down, kicked dirt and said nah, I said why not? He said - I have my own site. Then my bro tells him how he thought I was a fool for thinking chuck really was updating that site, he told my bro "No, its really me!" So then I ask him if he'd sign my hat next time they came, he said sure.

[The Yanks return to KC in September '99...]
See, for Game 1, I take my hat...Yell to Chuck on the field, he waves, and tells me to hold on. Then he comes over, signs my hat!! He says "Take it easy" and I thank him.

Then game 2 of the 2 game series...Chuck isn't playing, Sojo is in.(another very sweet guy)
I go to BP.
Joke to Chuck about how boring KC is (in referrence to his journal entry)
I ask him to take off his hat, so I can get a pic of the blonde. My bro asks him if that's the latest look in NY, he laughs, then signs to my bro that he should do it too.

OK, game started, chuck is sitting TOTALLY on the edge of the duggout, we have pretty good seats.Chuck is looking kinda into the stands...
I wave, he nods.
then the seats right behind the duggout are empty, so we move up, so now we are like 5 ft away from him, andy, Jim L, And Roger.
He jokes around with the crowd 4 a while.
It was SO much fun, we spent like 4 innings with him.
I asked him if he could get Andy to smile he says jokingly "Nope, no pictires 4 andy" then starts hovering over andy (another cute pic)
Then i had to leave early (stupid calc class) So he said, "Bye guys, take care"


theres my chuck story



A Story Better Than Mine, Pt 2: Chuck and YD, 2000
In her own words:

OK, I got to the stadium early, early enough to plant myself right behind the Yanks duggout. I do the usual "Smile 4 a pic" or "Good luck" yadda yadda yadda. Then comes Mr. CK. OK, its late, confession time. I absolutely love him. I really do. Yes, I know I don't REALLY know him, but what can I say?? NO I'm NOT in love with him. NO I DON'T want to marry him. I'm NOT infatuated with him.

I admire him, and I'm grateful 4 him. He's given me ENDLESS memories! Memories that I may someday pass on to my kids and grandkids. He has been nothing less of AWESOME to me for no other reason than because I'm his fan. I respect him as an athlete as well as a person and I wish him nothing but the best. With that said, get ready 4 a LONG post. If you gotta pee, believe me, do it NOW!

OK So Chuck is coming up and I say "Hey Chuck" thinking he's not gonna stop.

Errrr WRONG he stops.

CK: Hey!
Me: Hey Chuck, You playing tonight?
CK: No, I played yesterday, were u here?
(I had classes so i missed BP)
Me: Yeah i was here. You did awesome! (Gave him a thumbs up)
Me: How's ur arm doing Chuck?
CK: Fine, How are YOU?
*Note: OK, I was NOT expecting him to ask that!
Me: I'm Fine! (confusingly)
CK: I'm gonna be playing tomorrow night in Boston
Me: Cool, that game should be on ESPN
CK: Yup, and the day after that I think its on FOX
Me: Oh, I hope we get it, since where in KC we get the Reds, Indians etc
CK: You know, hopefully that site should be up soon.
Me: U know, the whole site is messed up somtimes. There's a message on ur site and we didn't think it was from you.
CK: No it wasn't. They put it up there
Me: LOL Yeah, it didnt sound like you
CK: Its really messed up. You know I'd be updating it if it wasn't.
Me: Yup! Cool! i'm excited!
CK: Well, I'll talk to you later, k?
Me: Good luck in Boston!
CK: Waves, thanks

OK. this sounds a little weird....but after he asked me how I was doing...I kinda got nervous.

Anyway, I got great pics of Sterling and Kay. They were REALY nice. I guess since I'm in KANSAS CITY and I know who they are and all. Kay said Cone is doing much better and may be back soon but will atleast miss his 1st start.

Oh, I saw Cone walking into the duggout. No one saw him, every1 was looking @ the batting cage. I yell "Get well soon Dave!" And he puts a hand up while walking in.

Deeber: I gave your message to Clay. I said "Deeber says hi Clay" He stops on his way into the duggout, peeps out and says "Really?" I said "Yup!" He waves and says "Thanks!" (He seemed to be a very shy guy)

I got an AWESOME pic of Ryan Thompsom. He stopped and smiled, BUT my camera exposure was on 26 (24 exp film) So I dunno if it will develop. Fingers crossed.

I got a few other waves, smiles, nods etc.

OK, now, the game is about to start. While I was @ BP, my bro was @ "Dyehards Night" As in Jermaine DYE. There was a charity event behind the scoreboard. My bro is friends with the Kevin Keitzman who does and owns a MAJOR sports radio station in KC. Keitzman was supposed to be there so my bro said he'd drop by. My bro met Damon and Dye from the Royals as well as Keith Hernandez (I think that was the name) of the Chiefs.

Anyway, the people @ the event were supposed to walk into the stadium from the Royals bullpen and circle the stadium, so I went up behind the Yankees DO to take a pic. When I get there, Who's there? MEL!!!!! A guy standing besides me asks him 4 his auto. He signs. So, I kidly asked too. I thought he nodded no, so I didn't want to bother him. But then he looks @ me and says "I'll sign it" ( I think I misheard him earlier) So I get the ball out (I'm TOTALLY nervous) and I'm ripping my bag apart looking 4 the pen, and he goes "I have a pen" So he signs it!

The ball he signed was from Derek Jeter. I got it from Jeter @ game 2 during BP. Mel signed 4 a TON of people, but only balls. No cards, hats, or gloves.

OK, SO, I'm already on cloud 9. I ask him how he's doing etc. He tells the guy by me that Roger already left 4 Boston.

OK, now the game was AWESOME absolutely AWESOME!!!! (Go to or something if you want to read about the game )

So, we are walking out of the stadium, and I tell my bro "U know, Katie (Pinetar) gave her dad to watch the players get on the buses. What would I have to do to get u to stay?" He was like "We arent staying, I have to take u to school and work tomo, etc" So we are walking and he says "Lets got his way." RIGHT WHERE THE BUSES ARE. (I Luv my bro!!) so we stop!

We stand there 4 like 30 minutes. El Duque, the 1st 1 out, was on the other side signing EVERYTHING. Guy signed 4 like 35 minutes!!! He didn't get to us

OK, we are by the "coaches/other big ppl" bus not the players, but Mel comes around and signs 4 EVERYONE on our side. (I already had his auto) We chat with Mel a bit. THEN Joe Torre gets on the Bus. I wish him luck in Boston. He says thank you. THEN he gets on the bus, puts his stuff down and comes OUT to sign!!!! SO NOW....

I have ball FROM Derek Jeter,Signed by MEL AND TORRE!!!!!! HOW AWESOME???

OK, then we see Chuck and other players, get on the players bus on the other side. So we are walking to our car passing the side of the bus and I think "I hope he's sitting on this side" And HE WAS!! So There's a girl there trying to get his attn. When she moves, I wave and he smiles and waves. He had an earpiece in his ear so i ask him what he's listening to, but its his phone's earpierce not walkman because he showed me the phone. (We couldn't hear each other btw just signaling talk) Anyway, I take a picture of him and he starts laffing because the windows are SO tinted and then we wave bye.

Btw Scott was sitting right infront of CK so I waved to him too.

Anyway, thats all. The most awesomest time of my life!!!!

Parade 2000 (Catherine's Story)
In her own words: Ohmigod... any of you guys (BG, fooz, Britt, etc.) who have been somewhat following ALL my trials and tribulations of trying to meet Chuck somehow, just to have SOME little piece of meaningful intercourse, just so I could tell him how much I admire him... you guys will appreciate this. All the times I waited and waited at the pressgate for hours and hours!!... on and on... and then Saturday night my thwarted wishes at Studio 54! I have tried and tried, I don't have any "connections", I don't "do" the club scene, so I've been at a disadvantage.

But today at the parade!! I had one little brief moment of Chuck acknowledging me, and it was sweet bliss. :sigh: I had a sign, oval-shaped and bright green which read "Knobby: NYC [heart]s U". I was so worried that, like last year, Chuck would be facing the other way and wouldn't see it... but I guess the baseball gods, as it were, were smiling down on me today because he was looking towards my side of Broadway and was even running his handheld camera, pointed in my direction!! I was just happy that at least the sign would show up on his recording, and he might see me and my sign sometime later when he played the tape. But I just kept waving furiously and even blowing kisses, and he waved and smiled at me and pointed and mouthed "Thank You!" and I was in HEAVEN!! After the float passed I turned to my companions (penguin4 and her friend) and shreiked like a deranged dog-whistle, "HE TALKED TO ME!! HE FINALLY SAID SOMETHING TO ME!! OHMYGOD!!" and they humored me and were happy.

I know this may sound like small peanuts to some of you guys who've actually had whole conversations with Knobby :cough:YD:cough:, but to me this was everything, after all that disappointment.

I'm still all woozy and wobbly... what a splendid way to end my 2000 Yankee fan season! After all that effort and wishing and hoping, my little desire finally came true. Thank you, CK, wherever you are! And thanks to all you guys who told me to keep at it.

love and giddy ecstasy,



Mike's Tino Story
Mike's Tino Story


